Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Stiker Naik Gunung Merbabu

Bima Sakti 9? apa itu?
Bima Sakti 9 adalah nama karang taruna di kampungku, dan pada tanggal 29-30 Oktober kemarin kami memperingati hari Sumpah Pemuda dengan naik Gunung Merbabu Bersama.
Setelah itu, aku disuruh desain stiker untuk dibagikan ke warga.

Desain : Saya hanya mendigitalkan, ide asli dari ketua karang taruna, saya hanya mengubah ide itu menjadi gambar digital. Kalo soal warna , sudah mengalami banyak perubahan, soalnya warna ditentukan oleh para anggota karang taruna, jadi ada sedikit perundingan gitu.
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my Binder

Its my binder
Not a sketch book , but a streak book. yes, I was not good at drawing sketch. but streaks in this binder is the initial concept of my digital image.

(cover depan: ada gambar chuton, stiker kawaii parts, maxte, chaxte, gantungan kunci triniti, pensil mekanik dan drawing pen)

Akhirnya bisa juga ngepost tentang binder ini (baru aja diposkan karena belum ada kamera buat ambil foto binder ini , hehe :D). Oke langsung saja mari kita lihat isi dari binder ini :D.

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Monday, December 26, 2011


Odie is frustrating, he wants to have a new strength. He met with a group of monsters, called SKU-Skull. They taught Odie a new capability, which is dance SKU. This dance is very terrible, all the affected feathers from the SKU-skull will turn into a skeleton.

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Chax : Silent

Read more "Chax : Silent..."

Maxte : Im Back

Read more "Maxte : Im Back..."

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Special Gift for Lia

Happy Birthday LIA
11 Oktober 

(sorry for late post)

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Cara Menggunakan Facebook Timeline Sekarang

Apa itu Facebook Timeline?

Facebook Timeline adalah tampilan profil baru yang akan menampilkan smua riwayat aktifitas facebook anda dari anda lahir :D (seperti pada gambar diatas) , fitur ini masih beta, hanya pengguna tertentu yang bisa menikmatinya. Trus bagaimana cara menggunakan sekarang?
Read more "Cara Menggunakan Facebook Timeline Sekarang..."


Triniti - Odie, Maxte, & Chax

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Happy Birthday Odie - 20

maaf, postingnya telat :D

21 September 2011

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

YUI - Green a.live

YUI - Green a.live

Yihaaa, akhirnya jadi juga ni :D, maap ya lama ga posting gambar :D.
YUI - Green a.live adalah judul single baru YUI yang akan rilis tanggal 5 oktober 2011, lagunya keren bgt, yang bikin tambah keren, YUI kembali ke style lamanya, Beauty Cool X3. Oiya , lagu ini adalah persembahan YUI untuk negaranya, Jepang , pasca gempa bumi dan tsunami waktu itu.
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Friday, September 2, 2011

We Born Again , Eid Mubarak 1432H

Mari sucikan diri dan hati kita lagi, seperti bayi yang baru lahir. X3

Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1432H

Mohon Maaf Lahir Batin

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Monday, August 15, 2011

RATE or VOTE !!! AGAIN !!!


i want 100$ :D
please click characters below !! :D

by maxtodie
on MojiZu

by maxtodie
on MojiZu

by maxtodie
on MojiZu

by maxtodie
on MojiZu

Rerio 1k ohm
by maxtodie
on MojiZu

Transto TIP EA O9
by maxtodie
on MojiZu

Coco 10uf 450v
by maxtodie
on MojiZu

please RATE and VOTE! i wanna be a ... 

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Friday, August 12, 2011


Fly or Die (matte the maxtodie lost his power)

Entah kenapa hari ini saya merasa kehilangan kekuatan gambar saya :s. Setelah kemaren2 dipusingkan sama gambar kolab mas fata dan gambar stiker, rasanya tenaga saya terkuras (lebe). Kemarin saya coba buat gambar avatar twitternya si @apibeku, karena kemaren2 dia berhasil nebak apa gambar avatarku (yang kawaii part) saya beri hadiah ava buatanku, tapi keliatanya dia ga suka ya :s. Tp jujur sih emang desainnya kurang menarik -.-, mungkin ini pengaruh kekuatanku yang hilang tadi ya -.-
Read more "AVATAR : FLY or DIE..."

Desain Stiker Reuni Alumni Elektronika A 06 - 09

KAWAII PARTs !!!!! Yup, itu judul buat gambar diatas :D. Gambar unyu diatas adalah desain buat stiker yang mau aku coba jual ke teman sekolahku dulu. Kelas Elektronika A di SMKN 1 Magelang :D, lulusan tahun 2009.

Anak Elektronika A atau yang bisa disebut dengan "cah EA" ini terkenal dengan ketidakkompakannya , dari dulu kalo buat acara selalu kacau -.-, entah ada yang sering telat kek, ada yang susah diajak, ahhhh pokoknya macem2 deh -.-. 
Read more "Desain Stiker Reuni Alumni Elektronika A 06 - 09..."

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Training - Collab with Fata :D

Jeng jeng jeng :D, hore akhirnya kolab sama mas FATA jadi juga :D. Setelah beberapa hari kebingungan akhirnya jadi , dan semoga mas fata menyukainya :D. 
Judul gambar ini adalah "Training", kenapa di beri judul Training??? ya ya ya , di kolab ini saya memang sedang ber latih, coba diliat, gaya gambarku brerubah kan? yang tadinya ga pake outline, di gambar ini saya belajar pake outline :D. Selain outline saya berlatih Typography :D, walau masih belum bagus :P. Satu lagi, saya berlatih membuat logo, logo baru (entah itu akan ganti lagi atau tidak :P) dan logo WUWI juga dibuat pada proses pembuatan gambar ini.
Read more "Training - Collab with Fata :D..."

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Collaboration with Sleepingpasa

Wohoo, its my collaboration with @sleepingpasa
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Herox - Maxtodie Original

just remake from my old art work :
Read more "Herox - Maxtodie Original..."

Silly Plastic Surgery

Ini adalah gambar untuk kontesnya mas Kepala Kardus, Mas Hatefuel ed, Mas Docilus dan mas Pewe :D, dan ini adalah sayembara-nya :D:

Hallo teman-teman pertama-tama kita panjatkan puji syukur kepada keahadirat Allah SWT karena kami telah diberi sedikit rejeki dan bisa melaksanakan contest ini :3
Kami mengadakan sebuah contest kecil-kecilan dalam rangka merayakan keisengan kami, tertanda:

Hatefuel, Docilus, Kepala Kardus, Seed Shit Sick

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Coming Soon!!

Read more "Coming Soon!!..."

We Fail Collab

Read more "We Fail Collab..."

Tapi Saya . . . . Takut

Read more "Tapi Saya . . . . Takut..."

Super Odie

Read more "Super Odie..."

Blue Shinigami Header

Gambar buat temen saya yang suka banget sama Laruku , visit him :D http://blueshinigami.blogspot.com
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Friday, March 18, 2011



matilda from maxtodie
with her power of Love, She will heal Japan


Pray ~ Little by Little (one of my Favorite Japan Artist)
tool Ai CS3

Read more "PRAY FOR JAPAN -HEAL-..."

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

CHUTON -friendship- by ~maxtodie

Chibi Unknown skeleTON

:bulletred: Chax : Fire Chuton (like a dog/RED)
owner : Max

:bulletblue: Fich : Ice/Water Chuton (like a walrus/BLUE)
owner : Lich

:bulletyellow: Bric : Thunder Chuton (like a bird/YELLOW)
owner : Eric

:bulletgreen: Lifa : Plant Chuton (like a brontosaurus/GREEN)
owner : Fafa

suddenly CHAX look sad :(, he feel useless, because he cant be a ride to his owner (Max). And the other Chuton (FICH, BRIC, and LIFA) try to cheer up CHAX :).

-sorry for my bad English-

i hope you like it :D

you can see the owner (Max, Eric, Lich, and Fafa) on Collaboration with :iconsleepingpasa:.... COMING SOON

tool AI CS3

Read more "CHUTON -friendship- by ~maxtodie..."

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

40 Tutorial Membuat Karakter Menggunakan Photoshop dan Illustrator

 Berikut ini beberapa kumpulan tutorial yang dikumpulkan dari beberapa situs :D

Cekidot!!!! :

How to Create a Stinking Zombie Flesh-Eater in Illustrator

In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a cartoon zombie in Illustrator. Starting by creating a fresh corpse, then you will ‘yuck’ it up using a number of techniques.

Create a Cute Furry Vector Monster in Illustrator

Follow these steps in Adobe Illustrator to create your very own super cute fuzzy monster character. You’ll be working with the basic shapes to start, then use a variety of gradients to add depth. And you can then finish it off with some detailed fur effects to really lift the design from the screen.

The Making of Abe, The Are My Sites Up Mascot

The challenge was to create a monster character that could become part of the Are My Sites Up branding.

Creating convincing characters

Illustrator maestro Alexis West demonstrates how to magic up appealing characters using a pencil, a computer and bags of imagination.

Drawing Homer Simpson

This tutorial will teach you how to draw the Simpson’s favorite character, Homer Simpson, from grounds up.

How to Illustrate a Cute Emo Kid

This tutorial I will take you through the process of drawing these cuties. The concept is based on the Emo trend and the tutorial will take you trough all the steps from sketch to full color vector.

Create a Twitter Style Bird Mascot

Using some basic shapes, effects, and gradients you will learn how to create a Twitter mascot for your blog or website.

Drawing Kirby

Ever wondered how Kirby was made? And although he was made using a 3d-program, this tutorial will teach you a very easy way to draw Kirby in Photoshop.

Cartoon Bug Tutorial

How to Create a Web Site Mascot

In this tutorial, I’m going to give an overview of how developed a character from the initial brief through to the final site mascot and then to go on to create several poses for different parts of the site.

How to Create a Cute Hippo Character!

This tutorial will show you how to create cute Hippo Character using simple shapes and a really simple effective drawing technique .
Read more "40 Tutorial Membuat Karakter Menggunakan Photoshop dan Illustrator..."

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Maxtodie Ver 2.0

upgraded from this

version 1

maxtodie fams

4 color
red-blue white-black

:iconmaxtodie1plz:boy (left) - symbol of courage (unnamed)
:iconmaxtodie2plz:girl (top left) - symbol of love (unnamed)
:iconmaxtodie3plz:ghost (right) - symbol of wisdom (unnamed)
:iconmaxtodie5plz:monster (center) - symbol of faith (Otto)
:iconmaxtodie4plz:bird (top right) - symbol of intelligence (unnamed)
:iconmaxtodie6plz:and odie (top center) - the creator of maxtodie :P

can somebody give the unnamed maxtodie???


done with AI CS3

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